Reviving the Old Blogs

Reviving the Old Blogs

Listening to “Full Stack Journey” a podcast by the way, I got the urge to come back and start blogging again…

Basically, the other of the podcast, and the guest, both agreed that it’s important to put yourself out there for others. Sure you might get critisized and maybe even bashed a bit and we’re all wrong at some point in life. Either way, I figured it was time to come back here again. Even if no one ever reads this, it’s a great place to put thoughts together and it kind of helps me unwind a bit.

Anyways, onto the subject of this post…

I’ve made a complete mess!

I had a blog running on Github pages 1 hosted on Netlify (this one actually) and neither had the same content.

Truthfully, it was quite easy to migrate them and get them together. I chose to stick with Netlify for a few reasons:

  1. I already use it for some client work
  2. It’s actually kind of awesome
  3. I like Hugo a bit better then Jekyll (although not by much)

So, copying the few posts I’ve got over on Github Pages here, adjust the yaml information and we’re off… Not quite.

Sure, I could just roll on but I noticed something immediatly.

On my old Github pages site, I named my files including the date. There had never really been a lot of posts here or there so I never noticed, but when I combined them, it became apparent that I need some way to keep a halfway decent organizational structure to my source.

I ultimatly landed on renaming a few things here and removing all of the dates from the filenames so that now they’re just ‘’. Cleaner, but didn’t solve my organization issue. So I opted to simply creating a folder structure and changing some config files in my config.

I should probably mention that anybody in SEO is probably screaming at me, honestly this blog isn’t popular, not too worried about the SEO.

Now things look like this:


Although not required, I did make a few changes to my config, mainly just to orgnaize content a bit better.

    post = "/:year/:month/:day/:filename"

Overall, not a normal operation, but it was quite smooth to migrate and combine these two together.

Let’s see if I can stick to this again.